Monday, November 17, 2008

Funny Name...

When I came up with the idea to start writing a blog, I had no idea what to name it. I sat and thought...but nothing came to me. "Savvy Star Baby" came up one day as I was feeding my baby girls their breakfast. I thought it conveyed that the blog would be about things related to baby (clothing especially) and that those who read it were savvy themselves.

As my blog is evolving though, I'm realizing that the name doesn't really fit. It doesn't tell people right off the bat what this blog is about and who it is for. After much thought, I've decided to change the name (and web address) of my blog.

The new name will be "Bay Area Mommy-Nomics" and you can find it at I'll make the transition gradually, posting on both blogs until the end of the month.

I'm also planning on some giveaways as the holidays get closer, so stay tuned for that!

Thanks for coming along with me this far. Things are only getting better!