Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Crunching the diaper numbers

I bought my diapers at Rite Aid last night and was so pleased with my purchase. When I told my sister, she said, "aren't you going to get the diapers at Babies R Us, what with their new Rewards and all..." Hmmm, I wonder which is the better deal?

I decided to crunch the numbers so you can see for yourselves which is the better deal. With Babies R Us' new rewards program, when you buy 9 value boxes of Pampers diapers, you get the 10th box free. On top of that, you get $5 for every $150 you spend.

There are three different sized value boxes of Pampers for size 3 (what my girls wear):
Cruisers 160/$40.69 (25.4 cents per diaper)
Baby Dry 204/$40.69 (19.9 cents per diaper)
Baby Dry 144/$31.69 (22 cents per diaper)

Often, Babies R Us has a coupon for $5 off a value box of Pampers. If I were to use this coupon in conjunction with a $1 off mfr. coupon (yes, you can stack at BRU), then the prices would be:
Cruisers 160/$34.69 (21.7 cents per diaper)
Baby Dry 204/$34.69 (17 cents per diaper)
Baby Dry 144/$25.69 (17.8 cents per diaper)

If I were to buy each of the 9 boxes with the above mentioned coupons, then by buying the lowest priced box per diaper (204 Baby Dry), my total cost for 9 boxes (and then 1 free) would be $312.21. I would get $10 in rewards ($5 for each $150). Essentially I would be getting 2,040 diapers for $302.21 and that would equal 14.8 cents per diaper.


So now it's up to you to decide. Me? I'm still pretty happy with my Rite Aid deal. (Huggies rebate is good through this Saturday.)