Monday, October 20, 2008

Save on produce at Safeway

Kellogg's has a coupon for $1 off produce when you buy two participating cereals. With the abundance of $1 off Kellogg's cereal coupons over at, now is the time to strike over at Safeway! Several Kellogg's cereals are on sale for $2.50 each.

Purchase Smart Start Strawberry Oat Bites ($3.99 sale) and use $1 off coupon. Purchase another participating cereal, like Frosted Mini Wheats Blueberry Muffin ($2.50 sale) and use $1 off coupon. Hand over your $1 off produce coupon (of course, you need to buy produce!) .

Send in your receipt to get a $3.99 rebate on the Smart Start (form is here). You end up getting the cereal for free and make $0.50 in the end (ymmv).