Monday, October 27, 2008

It All Adds Up to a Great Trip

This past weekend Husband and I took our adorable one-year-old twins to Utah to visit family. We love visiting, we just don't love the traveling that much! Here are the pluses and minuses from that trip:


  • Running a little bit late at Oakland Airport and parking in the wrong lot...for four a cost of $22 PER DAY! Big minus!
  • Somehow losing container of baby wipes on board airplane. Had to wait for luggage with backup wipes before being able to change both girls (who both leaked through their diapers!).
  • Going to Wal-Mart for the All You sampling spectacular only to find out that this Wal-Mart didn't get the memo.
  • Going to the grocery store 3 times to buy milk for the babies because we are still making the transition to cow's milk and I don't quite know how much milk we go through in a day, yet. (PS: Organic milk is almost non-existent in Utah. And, it is more expensive there than it is here, which is hard to believe! I guess it is true that the more people buy something, the lower the cost will be.)
  • Finding some cute clothes (for me) at great deals at some Utah-only clothing stores.
  • Cafe Rio (You haven't eaten there? Oh, it's a must for your next Utah visit.)
  • Stocking up on Stephen's hot chocolate at Wal-Mart. (Yes, I came home with 6 pounds of it, okay?)
  • Getting a great deal on our hotel through Expedia, which included a fantastic breakfast buffet.
  • Someone else cleaned up after the babies' meals! (We ate out quite a bit.)
  • Getting my hair cut for almost 1/2 of what I would pay here.

We're glad we were able to go, but we were so tired when we got back! Dinners are going to be light this week because we ate out so much over the weekend.


Debbie said...

Sounds like a great trip overall!

I probably shouldn't admit this, but it would be hard to count the number of times I wiped my babies bums with a paper towel drenched in warm water. The funny part is that my daughter screams her head of whenever I use real wipes but doesn't mind the harsh paper towels at all. No accounting for taste ;)

Happy travels